You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#-*-coding: utf-8-*-
# by QianFeng.newrain
Welcome QianFeng cloud computing
import json
import sys
import time
import requests
# 此为企业的ID号
CorpID = ''
# 应用的ID
Agentid = 1000004
# 认证信息,企业ID+认证信息可获取tokent,获取之后向此tokent发送内容
Secret = ''
localtime = time.strftime("[%H:%M:%S]", time.localtime())
class Tencent(object):
def __init__(self,user,title):
import subprocess
a=subprocess.getoutput("free -h |awk 'NR==2{print $4}'")
b=subprocess.getoutput("df -Th |awk 'NR==2{print $5}'")
c= subprocess.getoutput("uptime |awk -F ':' '{print $NF}'")
msg =a+b+c
# 格式化输出内容:标题+内容
self.MSG = f'{title}\n{msg}\n{localtime}'
self.User = user
self.url = ''
self.send_msg = json.dumps({
"touser": self.User,
"msgtype": 'text',
"agentid": Agentid,
"text": {'content': self.MSG},
"safe": 0
# 获取tokent
def get_token(self):
token_url = '%s/cgi-bin/gettoken?corpid=%s&corpsecret=%s' % (self.url, CorpID, Secret)
r = requests.get(token_url)
r = r.json()
token = r['access_token']
return token
# 发送信息
def send_message(self):
send_url = '%s/cgi-bin/message/send?access_token=%s' % (self.url,self.get_token())
respone =, data=self.send_msg)
respone = respone.json()
x = respone['errcode']
if x == 0:
print ('Succesfully')
print ('Failed')
if __name__ == '__main__':
# 创建对象
send_obj = Tencent('xxxxx','我就是我,不一样的烟火')
# 调用发送函数