From a29201a248374689bf683bbe0ce489d579483e85 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?=E7=A8=9A=E5=B1=BF?= <>
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2022 08:46:54 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] =?UTF-8?q?=E4=BF=AE=E6=AD=A3=E5=8D=95=E8=AF=8D?=
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
.../{drawingDefalut.js => drawingDefault.js} | 58 +-
ruoyi-ui/src/utils/generator/html.js | 718 ++++----
ruoyi-ui/src/utils/generator/js.js | 472 ++---
.../src/views/tool/build/CodeTypeDialog.vue | 212 +--
.../src/views/tool/build/TreeNodeDialog.vue | 298 ++--
ruoyi-ui/src/views/tool/build/index.vue | 1566 ++++++++---------
6 files changed, 1662 insertions(+), 1662 deletions(-)
rename ruoyi-ui/src/utils/generator/{drawingDefalut.js => drawingDefault.js} (95%)
diff --git a/ruoyi-ui/src/utils/generator/drawingDefalut.js b/ruoyi-ui/src/utils/generator/drawingDefault.js
similarity index 95%
rename from ruoyi-ui/src/utils/generator/drawingDefalut.js
rename to ruoyi-ui/src/utils/generator/drawingDefault.js
index 5f7d1c4..09f133c 100644
--- a/ruoyi-ui/src/utils/generator/drawingDefalut.js
+++ b/ruoyi-ui/src/utils/generator/drawingDefault.js
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-export default [
- {
- layout: 'colFormItem',
- tagIcon: 'input',
- label: '手机号',
- vModel: 'mobile',
- formId: 6,
- tag: 'el-input',
- placeholder: '请输入手机号',
- defaultValue: '',
- span: 24,
- style: { width: '100%' },
- clearable: true,
- prepend: '',
- append: '',
- 'prefix-icon': 'el-icon-mobile',
- 'suffix-icon': '',
- maxlength: 11,
- 'show-word-limit': true,
- readonly: false,
- disabled: false,
- required: true,
- changeTag: true,
- regList: [{
- pattern: '/^1(3|4|5|7|8|9)\\d{9}$/',
- message: '手机号格式错误'
- }]
- }
+export default [
+ {
+ layout: 'colFormItem',
+ tagIcon: 'input',
+ label: '手机号',
+ vModel: 'mobile',
+ formId: 6,
+ tag: 'el-input',
+ placeholder: '请输入手机号',
+ defaultValue: '',
+ span: 24,
+ style: { width: '100%' },
+ clearable: true,
+ prepend: '',
+ append: '',
+ 'prefix-icon': 'el-icon-mobile',
+ 'suffix-icon': '',
+ maxlength: 11,
+ 'show-word-limit': true,
+ readonly: false,
+ disabled: false,
+ required: true,
+ changeTag: true,
+ regList: [{
+ pattern: '/^1(3|4|5|7|8|9)\\d{9}$/',
+ message: '手机号格式错误'
+ }]
+ }
diff --git a/ruoyi-ui/src/utils/generator/html.js b/ruoyi-ui/src/utils/generator/html.js
index 340dfb4..9bcc536 100644
--- a/ruoyi-ui/src/utils/generator/html.js
+++ b/ruoyi-ui/src/utils/generator/html.js
@@ -1,359 +1,359 @@
-/* eslint-disable max-len */
-import { trigger } from './config'
-let confGlobal
-let someSpanIsNot24
-export function dialogWrapper(str) {
- return `
- ${str}
- 取消
- 确定
- `
-export function vueTemplate(str) {
- return `
- ${str}
- `
-export function vueScript(str) {
- return ``
-export function cssStyle(cssStr) {
- return ``
-function buildFormTemplate(conf, child, type) {
- let labelPosition = ''
- if (conf.labelPosition !== 'right') {
- labelPosition = `label-position="${conf.labelPosition}"`
- }
- const disabled = conf.disabled ? `:disabled="${conf.disabled}"` : ''
- let str = `
- ${child}
- ${buildFromBtns(conf, type)}
- `
- if (someSpanIsNot24) {
- str = `
- ${str}
- `
- }
- return str
-function buildFromBtns(conf, type) {
- let str = ''
- if (conf.formBtns && type === 'file') {
- str = `
- 提交
- 重置
- `
- if (someSpanIsNot24) {
- str = `
- ${str}
- `
- }
- }
- return str
-// span不为24的用el-col包裹
-function colWrapper(element, str) {
- if (someSpanIsNot24 || element.span !== 24) {
- return `
- ${str}
- `
- }
- return str
-const layouts = {
- colFormItem(element) {
- let labelWidth = ''
- if (element.labelWidth && element.labelWidth !== confGlobal.labelWidth) {
- labelWidth = `label-width="${element.labelWidth}px"`
- }
- const required = !trigger[element.tag] && element.required ? 'required' : ''
- const tagDom = tags[element.tag] ? tags[element.tag](element) : null
- let str = `
- ${tagDom}
- `
- str = colWrapper(element, str)
- return str
- },
- rowFormItem(element) {
- const type = element.type === 'default' ? '' : `type="${element.type}"`
- const justify = element.type === 'default' ? '' : `justify="${element.justify}"`
- const align = element.type === 'default' ? '' : `align="${element.align}"`
- const gutter = element.gutter ? `gutter="${element.gutter}"` : ''
- const children = => layouts[el.layout](el))
- let str = `
- ${children.join('\n')}
- `
- str = colWrapper(element, str)
- return str
- }
-const tags = {
- 'el-button': el => {
- const {
- tag, disabled
- } = attrBuilder(el)
- const type = el.type ? `type="${el.type}"` : ''
- const icon = el.icon ? `icon="${el.icon}"` : ''
- const size = el.size ? `size="${el.size}"` : ''
- let child = buildElButtonChild(el)
- if (child) child = `\n${child}\n` // 换行
- return `<${el.tag} ${type} ${icon} ${size} ${disabled}>${child}${el.tag}>`
- },
- 'el-input': el => {
- const {
- disabled, vModel, clearable, placeholder, width
- } = attrBuilder(el)
- const maxlength = el.maxlength ? `:maxlength="${el.maxlength}"` : ''
- const showWordLimit = el['show-word-limit'] ? 'show-word-limit' : ''
- const readonly = el.readonly ? 'readonly' : ''
- const prefixIcon = el['prefix-icon'] ? `prefix-icon='${el['prefix-icon']}'` : ''
- const suffixIcon = el['suffix-icon'] ? `suffix-icon='${el['suffix-icon']}'` : ''
- const showPassword = el['show-password'] ? 'show-password' : ''
- const type = el.type ? `type="${el.type}"` : ''
- const autosize = el.autosize && el.autosize.minRows
- ? `:autosize="{minRows: ${el.autosize.minRows}, maxRows: ${el.autosize.maxRows}}"`
- : ''
- let child = buildElInputChild(el)
- if (child) child = `\n${child}\n` // 换行
- return `<${el.tag} ${vModel} ${type} ${placeholder} ${maxlength} ${showWordLimit} ${readonly} ${disabled} ${clearable} ${prefixIcon} ${suffixIcon} ${showPassword} ${autosize} ${width}>${child}${el.tag}>`
- },
- 'el-input-number': el => {
- const { disabled, vModel, placeholder } = attrBuilder(el)
- const controlsPosition = el['controls-position'] ? `controls-position=${el['controls-position']}` : ''
- const min = el.min ? `:min='${el.min}'` : ''
- const max = el.max ? `:max='${el.max}'` : ''
- const step = el.step ? `:step='${el.step}'` : ''
- const stepStrictly = el['step-strictly'] ? 'step-strictly' : ''
- const precision = el.precision ? `:precision='${el.precision}'` : ''
- return `<${el.tag} ${vModel} ${placeholder} ${step} ${stepStrictly} ${precision} ${controlsPosition} ${min} ${max} ${disabled}>${el.tag}>`
- },
- 'el-select': el => {
- const {
- disabled, vModel, clearable, placeholder, width
- } = attrBuilder(el)
- const filterable = el.filterable ? 'filterable' : ''
- const multiple = el.multiple ? 'multiple' : ''
- let child = buildElSelectChild(el)
- if (child) child = `\n${child}\n` // 换行
- return `<${el.tag} ${vModel} ${placeholder} ${disabled} ${multiple} ${filterable} ${clearable} ${width}>${child}${el.tag}>`
- },
- 'el-radio-group': el => {
- const { disabled, vModel } = attrBuilder(el)
- const size = `size="${el.size}"`
- let child = buildElRadioGroupChild(el)
- if (child) child = `\n${child}\n` // 换行
- return `<${el.tag} ${vModel} ${size} ${disabled}>${child}${el.tag}>`
- },
- 'el-checkbox-group': el => {
- const { disabled, vModel } = attrBuilder(el)
- const size = `size="${el.size}"`
- const min = el.min ? `:min="${el.min}"` : ''
- const max = el.max ? `:max="${el.max}"` : ''
- let child = buildElCheckboxGroupChild(el)
- if (child) child = `\n${child}\n` // 换行
- return `<${el.tag} ${vModel} ${min} ${max} ${size} ${disabled}>${child}${el.tag}>`
- },
- 'el-switch': el => {
- const { disabled, vModel } = attrBuilder(el)
- const activeText = el['active-text'] ? `active-text="${el['active-text']}"` : ''
- const inactiveText = el['inactive-text'] ? `inactive-text="${el['inactive-text']}"` : ''
- const activeColor = el['active-color'] ? `active-color="${el['active-color']}"` : ''
- const inactiveColor = el['inactive-color'] ? `inactive-color="${el['inactive-color']}"` : ''
- const activeValue = el['active-value'] !== true ? `:active-value='${JSON.stringify(el['active-value'])}'` : ''
- const inactiveValue = el['inactive-value'] !== false ? `:inactive-value='${JSON.stringify(el['inactive-value'])}'` : ''
- return `<${el.tag} ${vModel} ${activeText} ${inactiveText} ${activeColor} ${inactiveColor} ${activeValue} ${inactiveValue} ${disabled}>${el.tag}>`
- },
- 'el-cascader': el => {
- const {
- disabled, vModel, clearable, placeholder, width
- } = attrBuilder(el)
- const options = el.options ? `:options="${el.vModel}Options"` : ''
- const props = el.props ? `:props="${el.vModel}Props"` : ''
- const showAllLevels = el['show-all-levels'] ? '' : ':show-all-levels="false"'
- const filterable = el.filterable ? 'filterable' : ''
- const separator = el.separator === '/' ? '' : `separator="${el.separator}"`
- return `<${el.tag} ${vModel} ${options} ${props} ${width} ${showAllLevels} ${placeholder} ${separator} ${filterable} ${clearable} ${disabled}>${el.tag}>`
- },
- 'el-slider': el => {
- const { disabled, vModel } = attrBuilder(el)
- const min = el.min ? `:min='${el.min}'` : ''
- const max = el.max ? `:max='${el.max}'` : ''
- const step = el.step ? `:step='${el.step}'` : ''
- const range = el.range ? 'range' : ''
- const showStops = el['show-stops'] ? `:show-stops="${el['show-stops']}"` : ''
- return `<${el.tag} ${min} ${max} ${step} ${vModel} ${range} ${showStops} ${disabled}>${el.tag}>`
- },
- 'el-time-picker': el => {
- const {
- disabled, vModel, clearable, placeholder, width
- } = attrBuilder(el)
- const startPlaceholder = el['start-placeholder'] ? `start-placeholder="${el['start-placeholder']}"` : ''
- const endPlaceholder = el['end-placeholder'] ? `end-placeholder="${el['end-placeholder']}"` : ''
- const rangeSeparator = el['range-separator'] ? `range-separator="${el['range-separator']}"` : ''
- const isRange = el['is-range'] ? 'is-range' : ''
- const format = el.format ? `format="${el.format}"` : ''
- const valueFormat = el['value-format'] ? `value-format="${el['value-format']}"` : ''
- const pickerOptions = el['picker-options'] ? `:picker-options='${JSON.stringify(el['picker-options'])}'` : ''
- return `<${el.tag} ${vModel} ${isRange} ${format} ${valueFormat} ${pickerOptions} ${width} ${placeholder} ${startPlaceholder} ${endPlaceholder} ${rangeSeparator} ${clearable} ${disabled}>${el.tag}>`
- },
- 'el-date-picker': el => {
- const {
- disabled, vModel, clearable, placeholder, width
- } = attrBuilder(el)
- const startPlaceholder = el['start-placeholder'] ? `start-placeholder="${el['start-placeholder']}"` : ''
- const endPlaceholder = el['end-placeholder'] ? `end-placeholder="${el['end-placeholder']}"` : ''
- const rangeSeparator = el['range-separator'] ? `range-separator="${el['range-separator']}"` : ''
- const format = el.format ? `format="${el.format}"` : ''
- const valueFormat = el['value-format'] ? `value-format="${el['value-format']}"` : ''
- const type = el.type === 'date' ? '' : `type="${el.type}"`
- const readonly = el.readonly ? 'readonly' : ''
- return `<${el.tag} ${type} ${vModel} ${format} ${valueFormat} ${width} ${placeholder} ${startPlaceholder} ${endPlaceholder} ${rangeSeparator} ${clearable} ${readonly} ${disabled}>${el.tag}>`
- },
- 'el-rate': el => {
- const { disabled, vModel } = attrBuilder(el)
- const max = el.max ? `:max='${el.max}'` : ''
- const allowHalf = el['allow-half'] ? 'allow-half' : ''
- const showText = el['show-text'] ? 'show-text' : ''
- const showScore = el['show-score'] ? 'show-score' : ''
- return `<${el.tag} ${vModel} ${allowHalf} ${showText} ${showScore} ${disabled}>${el.tag}>`
- },
- 'el-color-picker': el => {
- const { disabled, vModel } = attrBuilder(el)
- const size = `size="${el.size}"`
- const showAlpha = el['show-alpha'] ? 'show-alpha' : ''
- const colorFormat = el['color-format'] ? `color-format="${el['color-format']}"` : ''
- return `<${el.tag} ${vModel} ${size} ${showAlpha} ${colorFormat} ${disabled}>${el.tag}>`
- },
- 'el-upload': el => {
- const disabled = el.disabled ? ':disabled=\'true\'' : ''
- const action = el.action ? `:action="${el.vModel}Action"` : ''
- const multiple = el.multiple ? 'multiple' : ''
- const listType = el['list-type'] !== 'text' ? `list-type="${el['list-type']}"` : ''
- const accept = el.accept ? `accept="${el.accept}"` : ''
- const name = !== 'file' ? `name="${}"` : ''
- const autoUpload = el['auto-upload'] === false ? ':auto-upload="false"' : ''
- const beforeUpload = `:before-upload="${el.vModel}BeforeUpload"`
- const fileList = `:file-list="${el.vModel}fileList"`
- const ref = `ref="${el.vModel}"`
- let child = buildElUploadChild(el)
- if (child) child = `\n${child}\n` // 换行
- return `<${el.tag} ${ref} ${fileList} ${action} ${autoUpload} ${multiple} ${beforeUpload} ${listType} ${accept} ${name} ${disabled}>${child}${el.tag}>`
- }
-function attrBuilder(el) {
- return {
- vModel: `v-model="${confGlobal.formModel}.${el.vModel}"`,
- clearable: el.clearable ? 'clearable' : '',
- placeholder: el.placeholder ? `placeholder="${el.placeholder}"` : '',
- width: && ? ':style="{width: \'100%\'}"' : '',
- disabled: el.disabled ? ':disabled=\'true\'' : ''
- }
-// el-buttin 子级
-function buildElButtonChild(conf) {
- const children = []
- if (conf.default) {
- children.push(conf.default)
- }
- return children.join('\n')
-// el-input innerHTML
-function buildElInputChild(conf) {
- const children = []
- if (conf.prepend) {
- children.push(`${conf.prepend}`)
- }
- if (conf.append) {
- children.push(`${conf.append}`)
- }
- return children.join('\n')
-function buildElSelectChild(conf) {
- const children = []
- if (conf.options && conf.options.length) {
- children.push(``)
- }
- return children.join('\n')
-function buildElRadioGroupChild(conf) {
- const children = []
- if (conf.options && conf.options.length) {
- const tag = conf.optionType === 'button' ? 'el-radio-button' : 'el-radio'
- const border = conf.border ? 'border' : ''
- children.push(`<${tag} v-for="(item, index) in ${conf.vModel}Options" :key="index" :label="item.value" :disabled="item.disabled" ${border}>{{item.label}}${tag}>`)
- }
- return children.join('\n')
-function buildElCheckboxGroupChild(conf) {
- const children = []
- if (conf.options && conf.options.length) {
- const tag = conf.optionType === 'button' ? 'el-checkbox-button' : 'el-checkbox'
- const border = conf.border ? 'border' : ''
- children.push(`<${tag} v-for="(item, index) in ${conf.vModel}Options" :key="index" :label="item.value" :disabled="item.disabled" ${border}>{{item.label}}${tag}>`)
- }
- return children.join('\n')
-function buildElUploadChild(conf) {
- const list = []
- if (conf['list-type'] === 'picture-card') list.push('')
- else list.push(`${conf.buttonText}`)
- if (conf.showTip) list.push(`
只能上传不超过 ${conf.fileSize}${conf.sizeUnit} 的${conf.accept}文件
- return list.join('\n')
-export function makeUpHtml(conf, type) {
- const htmlList = []
- confGlobal = conf
- someSpanIsNot24 = conf.fields.some(item => item.span !== 24)
- conf.fields.forEach(el => {
- htmlList.push(layouts[el.layout](el))
- })
- const htmlStr = htmlList.join('\n')
- let temp = buildFormTemplate(conf, htmlStr, type)
- if (type === 'dialog') {
- temp = dialogWrapper(temp)
- }
- confGlobal = null
- return temp
+/* eslint-disable max-len */
+import { trigger } from './config'
+let confGlobal
+let someSpanIsNot24
+export function dialogWrapper(str) {
+ return `
+ ${str}
+ 取消
+ 确定
+ `
+export function vueTemplate(str) {
+ return `
+ ${str}
+ `
+export function vueScript(str) {
+ return ``
+export function cssStyle(cssStr) {
+ return ``
+function buildFormTemplate(conf, child, type) {
+ let labelPosition = ''
+ if (conf.labelPosition !== 'right') {
+ labelPosition = `label-position="${conf.labelPosition}"`
+ }
+ const disabled = conf.disabled ? `:disabled="${conf.disabled}"` : ''
+ let str = `
+ ${child}
+ ${buildFromBtns(conf, type)}
+ `
+ if (someSpanIsNot24) {
+ str = `
+ ${str}
+ `
+ }
+ return str
+function buildFromBtns(conf, type) {
+ let str = ''
+ if (conf.formBtns && type === 'file') {
+ str = `
+ 提交
+ 重置
+ `
+ if (someSpanIsNot24) {
+ str = `
+ ${str}
+ `
+ }
+ }
+ return str
+// span不为24的用el-col包裹
+function colWrapper(element, str) {
+ if (someSpanIsNot24 || element.span !== 24) {
+ return `
+ ${str}
+ `
+ }
+ return str
+const layouts = {
+ colFormItem(element) {
+ let labelWidth = ''
+ if (element.labelWidth && element.labelWidth !== confGlobal.labelWidth) {
+ labelWidth = `label-width="${element.labelWidth}px"`
+ }
+ const required = !trigger[element.tag] && element.required ? 'required' : ''
+ const tagDom = tags[element.tag] ? tags[element.tag](element) : null
+ let str = `
+ ${tagDom}
+ `
+ str = colWrapper(element, str)
+ return str
+ },
+ rowFormItem(element) {
+ const type = element.type === 'default' ? '' : `type="${element.type}"`
+ const justify = element.type === 'default' ? '' : `justify="${element.justify}"`
+ const align = element.type === 'default' ? '' : `align="${element.align}"`
+ const gutter = element.gutter ? `gutter="${element.gutter}"` : ''
+ const children = => layouts[el.layout](el))
+ let str = `
+ ${children.join('\n')}
+ `
+ str = colWrapper(element, str)
+ return str
+ }
+const tags = {
+ 'el-button': el => {
+ const {
+ tag, disabled
+ } = attrBuilder(el)
+ const type = el.type ? `type="${el.type}"` : ''
+ const icon = el.icon ? `icon="${el.icon}"` : ''
+ const size = el.size ? `size="${el.size}"` : ''
+ let child = buildElButtonChild(el)
+ if (child) child = `\n${child}\n` // 换行
+ return `<${el.tag} ${type} ${icon} ${size} ${disabled}>${child}${el.tag}>`
+ },
+ 'el-input': el => {
+ const {
+ disabled, vModel, clearable, placeholder, width
+ } = attrBuilder(el)
+ const maxlength = el.maxlength ? `:maxlength="${el.maxlength}"` : ''
+ const showWordLimit = el['show-word-limit'] ? 'show-word-limit' : ''
+ const readonly = el.readonly ? 'readonly' : ''
+ const prefixIcon = el['prefix-icon'] ? `prefix-icon='${el['prefix-icon']}'` : ''
+ const suffixIcon = el['suffix-icon'] ? `suffix-icon='${el['suffix-icon']}'` : ''
+ const showPassword = el['show-password'] ? 'show-password' : ''
+ const type = el.type ? `type="${el.type}"` : ''
+ const autosize = el.autosize && el.autosize.minRows
+ ? `:autosize="{minRows: ${el.autosize.minRows}, maxRows: ${el.autosize.maxRows}}"`
+ : ''
+ let child = buildElInputChild(el)
+ if (child) child = `\n${child}\n` // 换行
+ return `<${el.tag} ${vModel} ${type} ${placeholder} ${maxlength} ${showWordLimit} ${readonly} ${disabled} ${clearable} ${prefixIcon} ${suffixIcon} ${showPassword} ${autosize} ${width}>${child}${el.tag}>`
+ },
+ 'el-input-number': el => {
+ const { disabled, vModel, placeholder } = attrBuilder(el)
+ const controlsPosition = el['controls-position'] ? `controls-position=${el['controls-position']}` : ''
+ const min = el.min ? `:min='${el.min}'` : ''
+ const max = el.max ? `:max='${el.max}'` : ''
+ const step = el.step ? `:step='${el.step}'` : ''
+ const stepStrictly = el['step-strictly'] ? 'step-strictly' : ''
+ const precision = el.precision ? `:precision='${el.precision}'` : ''
+ return `<${el.tag} ${vModel} ${placeholder} ${step} ${stepStrictly} ${precision} ${controlsPosition} ${min} ${max} ${disabled}>${el.tag}>`
+ },
+ 'el-select': el => {
+ const {
+ disabled, vModel, clearable, placeholder, width
+ } = attrBuilder(el)
+ const filterable = el.filterable ? 'filterable' : ''
+ const multiple = el.multiple ? 'multiple' : ''
+ let child = buildElSelectChild(el)
+ if (child) child = `\n${child}\n` // 换行
+ return `<${el.tag} ${vModel} ${placeholder} ${disabled} ${multiple} ${filterable} ${clearable} ${width}>${child}${el.tag}>`
+ },
+ 'el-radio-group': el => {
+ const { disabled, vModel } = attrBuilder(el)
+ const size = `size="${el.size}"`
+ let child = buildElRadioGroupChild(el)
+ if (child) child = `\n${child}\n` // 换行
+ return `<${el.tag} ${vModel} ${size} ${disabled}>${child}${el.tag}>`
+ },
+ 'el-checkbox-group': el => {
+ const { disabled, vModel } = attrBuilder(el)
+ const size = `size="${el.size}"`
+ const min = el.min ? `:min="${el.min}"` : ''
+ const max = el.max ? `:max="${el.max}"` : ''
+ let child = buildElCheckboxGroupChild(el)
+ if (child) child = `\n${child}\n` // 换行
+ return `<${el.tag} ${vModel} ${min} ${max} ${size} ${disabled}>${child}${el.tag}>`
+ },
+ 'el-switch': el => {
+ const { disabled, vModel } = attrBuilder(el)
+ const activeText = el['active-text'] ? `active-text="${el['active-text']}"` : ''
+ const inactiveText = el['inactive-text'] ? `inactive-text="${el['inactive-text']}"` : ''
+ const activeColor = el['active-color'] ? `active-color="${el['active-color']}"` : ''
+ const inactiveColor = el['inactive-color'] ? `inactive-color="${el['inactive-color']}"` : ''
+ const activeValue = el['active-value'] !== true ? `:active-value='${JSON.stringify(el['active-value'])}'` : ''
+ const inactiveValue = el['inactive-value'] !== false ? `:inactive-value='${JSON.stringify(el['inactive-value'])}'` : ''
+ return `<${el.tag} ${vModel} ${activeText} ${inactiveText} ${activeColor} ${inactiveColor} ${activeValue} ${inactiveValue} ${disabled}>${el.tag}>`
+ },
+ 'el-cascader': el => {
+ const {
+ disabled, vModel, clearable, placeholder, width
+ } = attrBuilder(el)
+ const options = el.options ? `:options="${el.vModel}Options"` : ''
+ const props = el.props ? `:props="${el.vModel}Props"` : ''
+ const showAllLevels = el['show-all-levels'] ? '' : ':show-all-levels="false"'
+ const filterable = el.filterable ? 'filterable' : ''
+ const separator = el.separator === '/' ? '' : `separator="${el.separator}"`
+ return `<${el.tag} ${vModel} ${options} ${props} ${width} ${showAllLevels} ${placeholder} ${separator} ${filterable} ${clearable} ${disabled}>${el.tag}>`
+ },
+ 'el-slider': el => {
+ const { disabled, vModel } = attrBuilder(el)
+ const min = el.min ? `:min='${el.min}'` : ''
+ const max = el.max ? `:max='${el.max}'` : ''
+ const step = el.step ? `:step='${el.step}'` : ''
+ const range = el.range ? 'range' : ''
+ const showStops = el['show-stops'] ? `:show-stops="${el['show-stops']}"` : ''
+ return `<${el.tag} ${min} ${max} ${step} ${vModel} ${range} ${showStops} ${disabled}>${el.tag}>`
+ },
+ 'el-time-picker': el => {
+ const {
+ disabled, vModel, clearable, placeholder, width
+ } = attrBuilder(el)
+ const startPlaceholder = el['start-placeholder'] ? `start-placeholder="${el['start-placeholder']}"` : ''
+ const endPlaceholder = el['end-placeholder'] ? `end-placeholder="${el['end-placeholder']}"` : ''
+ const rangeSeparator = el['range-separator'] ? `range-separator="${el['range-separator']}"` : ''
+ const isRange = el['is-range'] ? 'is-range' : ''
+ const format = el.format ? `format="${el.format}"` : ''
+ const valueFormat = el['value-format'] ? `value-format="${el['value-format']}"` : ''
+ const pickerOptions = el['picker-options'] ? `:picker-options='${JSON.stringify(el['picker-options'])}'` : ''
+ return `<${el.tag} ${vModel} ${isRange} ${format} ${valueFormat} ${pickerOptions} ${width} ${placeholder} ${startPlaceholder} ${endPlaceholder} ${rangeSeparator} ${clearable} ${disabled}>${el.tag}>`
+ },
+ 'el-date-picker': el => {
+ const {
+ disabled, vModel, clearable, placeholder, width
+ } = attrBuilder(el)
+ const startPlaceholder = el['start-placeholder'] ? `start-placeholder="${el['start-placeholder']}"` : ''
+ const endPlaceholder = el['end-placeholder'] ? `end-placeholder="${el['end-placeholder']}"` : ''
+ const rangeSeparator = el['range-separator'] ? `range-separator="${el['range-separator']}"` : ''
+ const format = el.format ? `format="${el.format}"` : ''
+ const valueFormat = el['value-format'] ? `value-format="${el['value-format']}"` : ''
+ const type = el.type === 'date' ? '' : `type="${el.type}"`
+ const readonly = el.readonly ? 'readonly' : ''
+ return `<${el.tag} ${type} ${vModel} ${format} ${valueFormat} ${width} ${placeholder} ${startPlaceholder} ${endPlaceholder} ${rangeSeparator} ${clearable} ${readonly} ${disabled}>${el.tag}>`
+ },
+ 'el-rate': el => {
+ const { disabled, vModel } = attrBuilder(el)
+ const max = el.max ? `:max='${el.max}'` : ''
+ const allowHalf = el['allow-half'] ? 'allow-half' : ''
+ const showText = el['show-text'] ? 'show-text' : ''
+ const showScore = el['show-score'] ? 'show-score' : ''
+ return `<${el.tag} ${vModel} ${allowHalf} ${showText} ${showScore} ${disabled}>${el.tag}>`
+ },
+ 'el-color-picker': el => {
+ const { disabled, vModel } = attrBuilder(el)
+ const size = `size="${el.size}"`
+ const showAlpha = el['show-alpha'] ? 'show-alpha' : ''
+ const colorFormat = el['color-format'] ? `color-format="${el['color-format']}"` : ''
+ return `<${el.tag} ${vModel} ${size} ${showAlpha} ${colorFormat} ${disabled}>${el.tag}>`
+ },
+ 'el-upload': el => {
+ const disabled = el.disabled ? ':disabled=\'true\'' : ''
+ const action = el.action ? `:action="${el.vModel}Action"` : ''
+ const multiple = el.multiple ? 'multiple' : ''
+ const listType = el['list-type'] !== 'text' ? `list-type="${el['list-type']}"` : ''
+ const accept = el.accept ? `accept="${el.accept}"` : ''
+ const name = !== 'file' ? `name="${}"` : ''
+ const autoUpload = el['auto-upload'] === false ? ':auto-upload="false"' : ''
+ const beforeUpload = `:before-upload="${el.vModel}BeforeUpload"`
+ const fileList = `:file-list="${el.vModel}fileList"`
+ const ref = `ref="${el.vModel}"`
+ let child = buildElUploadChild(el)
+ if (child) child = `\n${child}\n` // 换行
+ return `<${el.tag} ${ref} ${fileList} ${action} ${autoUpload} ${multiple} ${beforeUpload} ${listType} ${accept} ${name} ${disabled}>${child}${el.tag}>`
+ }
+function attrBuilder(el) {
+ return {
+ vModel: `v-model="${confGlobal.formModel}.${el.vModel}"`,
+ clearable: el.clearable ? 'clearable' : '',
+ placeholder: el.placeholder ? `placeholder="${el.placeholder}"` : '',
+ width: && ? ':style="{width: \'100%\'}"' : '',
+ disabled: el.disabled ? ':disabled=\'true\'' : ''
+ }
+// el-buttin 子级
+function buildElButtonChild(conf) {
+ const children = []
+ if (conf.default) {
+ children.push(conf.default)
+ }
+ return children.join('\n')
+// el-input innerHTML
+function buildElInputChild(conf) {
+ const children = []
+ if (conf.prepend) {
+ children.push(`${conf.prepend}`)
+ }
+ if (conf.append) {
+ children.push(`${conf.append}`)
+ }
+ return children.join('\n')
+function buildElSelectChild(conf) {
+ const children = []
+ if (conf.options && conf.options.length) {
+ children.push(``)
+ }
+ return children.join('\n')
+function buildElRadioGroupChild(conf) {
+ const children = []
+ if (conf.options && conf.options.length) {
+ const tag = conf.optionType === 'button' ? 'el-radio-button' : 'el-radio'
+ const border = conf.border ? 'border' : ''
+ children.push(`<${tag} v-for="(item, index) in ${conf.vModel}Options" :key="index" :label="item.value" :disabled="item.disabled" ${border}>{{item.label}}${tag}>`)
+ }
+ return children.join('\n')
+function buildElCheckboxGroupChild(conf) {
+ const children = []
+ if (conf.options && conf.options.length) {
+ const tag = conf.optionType === 'button' ? 'el-checkbox-button' : 'el-checkbox'
+ const border = conf.border ? 'border' : ''
+ children.push(`<${tag} v-for="(item, index) in ${conf.vModel}Options" :key="index" :label="item.value" :disabled="item.disabled" ${border}>{{item.label}}${tag}>`)
+ }
+ return children.join('\n')
+function buildElUploadChild(conf) {
+ const list = []
+ if (conf['list-type'] === 'picture-card') list.push('')
+ else list.push(`${conf.buttonText}`)
+ if (conf.showTip) list.push(`只能上传不超过 ${conf.fileSize}${conf.sizeUnit} 的${conf.accept}文件
+ return list.join('\n')
+export function makeUpHtml(conf, type) {
+ const htmlList = []
+ confGlobal = conf
+ someSpanIsNot24 = conf.fields.some(item => item.span !== 24)
+ conf.fields.forEach(el => {
+ htmlList.push(layouts[el.layout](el))
+ })
+ const htmlStr = htmlList.join('\n')
+ let temp = buildFormTemplate(conf, htmlStr, type)
+ if (type === 'dialog') {
+ temp = dialogWrapper(temp)
+ }
+ confGlobal = null
+ return temp
diff --git a/ruoyi-ui/src/utils/generator/js.js b/ruoyi-ui/src/utils/generator/js.js
index 81afc70..35e3e21 100644
--- a/ruoyi-ui/src/utils/generator/js.js
+++ b/ruoyi-ui/src/utils/generator/js.js
@@ -1,236 +1,236 @@
-import { isArray } from 'util'
-import { exportDefault, titleCase } from '@/utils/index'
-import { trigger } from './config'
-const units = {
- KB: '1024',
- MB: '1024 / 1024',
- GB: '1024 / 1024 / 1024'
-let confGlobal
-const inheritAttrs = {
- file: '',
- dialog: 'inheritAttrs: false,'
-export function makeUpJs(conf, type) {
- confGlobal = conf = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(conf))
- const dataList = []
- const ruleList = []
- const optionsList = []
- const propsList = []
- const methodList = mixinMethod(type)
- const uploadVarList = []
- conf.fields.forEach(el => {
- buildAttributes(el, dataList, ruleList, optionsList, methodList, propsList, uploadVarList)
- })
- const script = buildexport(
- conf,
- type,
- dataList.join('\n'),
- ruleList.join('\n'),
- optionsList.join('\n'),
- uploadVarList.join('\n'),
- propsList.join('\n'),
- methodList.join('\n')
- )
- confGlobal = null
- return script
-function buildAttributes(el, dataList, ruleList, optionsList, methodList, propsList, uploadVarList) {
- buildData(el, dataList)
- buildRules(el, ruleList)
- if (el.options && el.options.length) {
- buildOptions(el, optionsList)
- if (el.dataType === 'dynamic') {
- const model = `${el.vModel}Options`
- const options = titleCase(model)
- buildOptionMethod(`get${options}`, model, methodList)
- }
- }
- if (el.props && el.props.props) {
- buildProps(el, propsList)
- }
- if (el.action && el.tag === 'el-upload') {
- uploadVarList.push(
- `${el.vModel}Action: '${el.action}',
- ${el.vModel}fileList: [],`
- )
- methodList.push(buildBeforeUpload(el))
- if (!el['auto-upload']) {
- methodList.push(buildSubmitUpload(el))
- }
- }
- if (el.children) {
- el.children.forEach(el2 => {
- buildAttributes(el2, dataList, ruleList, optionsList, methodList, propsList, uploadVarList)
- })
- }
-function mixinMethod(type) {
- const list = []; const
- minxins = {
- file: confGlobal.formBtns ? {
- submitForm: `submitForm() {
- this.$refs['${confGlobal.formRef}'].validate(valid => {
- if(!valid) return
- // TODO 提交表单
- })
- },`,
- resetForm: `resetForm() {
- this.$refs['${confGlobal.formRef}'].resetFields()
- },`
- } : null,
- dialog: {
- onOpen: 'onOpen() {},',
- onClose: `onClose() {
- this.$refs['${confGlobal.formRef}'].resetFields()
- },`,
- close: `close() {
- this.$emit('update:visible', false)
- },`,
- handelConfirm: `handelConfirm() {
- this.$refs['${confGlobal.formRef}'].validate(valid => {
- if(!valid) return
- this.close()
- })
- },`
- }
- }
- const methods = minxins[type]
- if (methods) {
- Object.keys(methods).forEach(key => {
- list.push(methods[key])
- })
- }
- return list
-function buildData(conf, dataList) {
- if (conf.vModel === undefined) return
- let defaultValue
- if (typeof (conf.defaultValue) === 'string' && !conf.multiple) {
- defaultValue = `'${conf.defaultValue}'`
- } else {
- defaultValue = `${JSON.stringify(conf.defaultValue)}`
- }
- dataList.push(`${conf.vModel}: ${defaultValue},`)
-function buildRules(conf, ruleList) {
- if (conf.vModel === undefined) return
- const rules = []
- if (trigger[conf.tag]) {
- if (conf.required) {
- const type = isArray(conf.defaultValue) ? 'type: \'array\',' : ''
- let message = isArray(conf.defaultValue) ? `请至少选择一个${conf.vModel}` : conf.placeholder
- if (message === undefined) message = `${conf.label}不能为空`
- rules.push(`{ required: true, ${type} message: '${message}', trigger: '${trigger[conf.tag]}' }`)
- }
- if (conf.regList && isArray(conf.regList)) {
- conf.regList.forEach(item => {
- if (item.pattern) {
- rules.push(`{ pattern: ${eval(item.pattern)}, message: '${item.message}', trigger: '${trigger[conf.tag]}' }`)
- }
- })
- }
- ruleList.push(`${conf.vModel}: [${rules.join(',')}],`)
- }
-function buildOptions(conf, optionsList) {
- if (conf.vModel === undefined) return
- if (conf.dataType === 'dynamic') { conf.options = [] }
- const str = `${conf.vModel}Options: ${JSON.stringify(conf.options)},`
- optionsList.push(str)
-function buildProps(conf, propsList) {
- if (conf.dataType === 'dynamic') {
- conf.valueKey !== 'value' && (conf.props.props.value = conf.valueKey)
- conf.labelKey !== 'label' && (conf.props.props.label = conf.labelKey)
- conf.childrenKey !== 'children' && (conf.props.props.children = conf.childrenKey)
- }
- const str = `${conf.vModel}Props: ${JSON.stringify(conf.props.props)},`
- propsList.push(str)
-function buildBeforeUpload(conf) {
- const unitNum = units[conf.sizeUnit]; let rightSizeCode = ''; let acceptCode = ''; const
- returnList = []
- if (conf.fileSize) {
- rightSizeCode = `let isRightSize = file.size / ${unitNum} < ${conf.fileSize}
- if(!isRightSize){
- this.$message.error('文件大小超过 ${conf.fileSize}${conf.sizeUnit}')
- }`
- returnList.push('isRightSize')
- }
- if (conf.accept) {
- acceptCode = `let isAccept = new RegExp('${conf.accept}').test(file.type)
- if(!isAccept){
- this.$message.error('应该选择${conf.accept}类型的文件')
- }`
- returnList.push('isAccept')
- }
- const str = `${conf.vModel}BeforeUpload(file) {
- ${rightSizeCode}
- ${acceptCode}
- return ${returnList.join('&&')}
- },`
- return returnList.length ? str : ''
-function buildSubmitUpload(conf) {
- const str = `submitUpload() {
- this.$refs['${conf.vModel}'].submit()
- },`
- return str
-function buildOptionMethod(methodName, model, methodList) {
- const str = `${methodName}() {
- // TODO 发起请求获取数据
- this.${model}
- },`
- methodList.push(str)
-function buildexport(conf, type, data, rules, selectOptions, uploadVar, props, methods) {
- const str = `${exportDefault}{
- ${inheritAttrs[type]}
- components: {},
- props: [],
- data () {
- return {
- ${conf.formModel}: {
- ${data}
- },
- ${conf.formRules}: {
- ${rules}
- },
- ${uploadVar}
- ${selectOptions}
- ${props}
- }
- },
- computed: {},
- watch: {},
- created () {},
- mounted () {},
- methods: {
- ${methods}
- }
- return str
+import { isArray } from 'util'
+import { exportDefault, titleCase } from '@/utils/index'
+import { trigger } from './config'
+const units = {
+ KB: '1024',
+ MB: '1024 / 1024',
+ GB: '1024 / 1024 / 1024'
+let confGlobal
+const inheritAttrs = {
+ file: '',
+ dialog: 'inheritAttrs: false,'
+export function makeUpJs(conf, type) {
+ confGlobal = conf = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(conf))
+ const dataList = []
+ const ruleList = []
+ const optionsList = []
+ const propsList = []
+ const methodList = mixinMethod(type)
+ const uploadVarList = []
+ conf.fields.forEach(el => {
+ buildAttributes(el, dataList, ruleList, optionsList, methodList, propsList, uploadVarList)
+ })
+ const script = buildexport(
+ conf,
+ type,
+ dataList.join('\n'),
+ ruleList.join('\n'),
+ optionsList.join('\n'),
+ uploadVarList.join('\n'),
+ propsList.join('\n'),
+ methodList.join('\n')
+ )
+ confGlobal = null
+ return script
+function buildAttributes(el, dataList, ruleList, optionsList, methodList, propsList, uploadVarList) {
+ buildData(el, dataList)
+ buildRules(el, ruleList)
+ if (el.options && el.options.length) {
+ buildOptions(el, optionsList)
+ if (el.dataType === 'dynamic') {
+ const model = `${el.vModel}Options`
+ const options = titleCase(model)
+ buildOptionMethod(`get${options}`, model, methodList)
+ }
+ }
+ if (el.props && el.props.props) {
+ buildProps(el, propsList)
+ }
+ if (el.action && el.tag === 'el-upload') {
+ uploadVarList.push(
+ `${el.vModel}Action: '${el.action}',
+ ${el.vModel}fileList: [],`
+ )
+ methodList.push(buildBeforeUpload(el))
+ if (!el['auto-upload']) {
+ methodList.push(buildSubmitUpload(el))
+ }
+ }
+ if (el.children) {
+ el.children.forEach(el2 => {
+ buildAttributes(el2, dataList, ruleList, optionsList, methodList, propsList, uploadVarList)
+ })
+ }
+function mixinMethod(type) {
+ const list = []; const
+ minxins = {
+ file: confGlobal.formBtns ? {
+ submitForm: `submitForm() {
+ this.$refs['${confGlobal.formRef}'].validate(valid => {
+ if(!valid) return
+ // TODO 提交表单
+ })
+ },`,
+ resetForm: `resetForm() {
+ this.$refs['${confGlobal.formRef}'].resetFields()
+ },`
+ } : null,
+ dialog: {
+ onOpen: 'onOpen() {},',
+ onClose: `onClose() {
+ this.$refs['${confGlobal.formRef}'].resetFields()
+ },`,
+ close: `close() {
+ this.$emit('update:visible', false)
+ },`,
+ handleConfirm: `handleConfirm() {
+ this.$refs['${confGlobal.formRef}'].validate(valid => {
+ if(!valid) return
+ this.close()
+ })
+ },`
+ }
+ }
+ const methods = minxins[type]
+ if (methods) {
+ Object.keys(methods).forEach(key => {
+ list.push(methods[key])
+ })
+ }
+ return list
+function buildData(conf, dataList) {
+ if (conf.vModel === undefined) return
+ let defaultValue
+ if (typeof (conf.defaultValue) === 'string' && !conf.multiple) {
+ defaultValue = `'${conf.defaultValue}'`
+ } else {
+ defaultValue = `${JSON.stringify(conf.defaultValue)}`
+ }
+ dataList.push(`${conf.vModel}: ${defaultValue},`)
+function buildRules(conf, ruleList) {
+ if (conf.vModel === undefined) return
+ const rules = []
+ if (trigger[conf.tag]) {
+ if (conf.required) {
+ const type = isArray(conf.defaultValue) ? 'type: \'array\',' : ''
+ let message = isArray(conf.defaultValue) ? `请至少选择一个${conf.vModel}` : conf.placeholder
+ if (message === undefined) message = `${conf.label}不能为空`
+ rules.push(`{ required: true, ${type} message: '${message}', trigger: '${trigger[conf.tag]}' }`)
+ }
+ if (conf.regList && isArray(conf.regList)) {
+ conf.regList.forEach(item => {
+ if (item.pattern) {
+ rules.push(`{ pattern: ${eval(item.pattern)}, message: '${item.message}', trigger: '${trigger[conf.tag]}' }`)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ruleList.push(`${conf.vModel}: [${rules.join(',')}],`)
+ }
+function buildOptions(conf, optionsList) {
+ if (conf.vModel === undefined) return
+ if (conf.dataType === 'dynamic') { conf.options = [] }
+ const str = `${conf.vModel}Options: ${JSON.stringify(conf.options)},`
+ optionsList.push(str)
+function buildProps(conf, propsList) {
+ if (conf.dataType === 'dynamic') {
+ conf.valueKey !== 'value' && (conf.props.props.value = conf.valueKey)
+ conf.labelKey !== 'label' && (conf.props.props.label = conf.labelKey)
+ conf.childrenKey !== 'children' && (conf.props.props.children = conf.childrenKey)
+ }
+ const str = `${conf.vModel}Props: ${JSON.stringify(conf.props.props)},`
+ propsList.push(str)
+function buildBeforeUpload(conf) {
+ const unitNum = units[conf.sizeUnit]; let rightSizeCode = ''; let acceptCode = ''; const
+ returnList = []
+ if (conf.fileSize) {
+ rightSizeCode = `let isRightSize = file.size / ${unitNum} < ${conf.fileSize}
+ if(!isRightSize){
+ this.$message.error('文件大小超过 ${conf.fileSize}${conf.sizeUnit}')
+ }`
+ returnList.push('isRightSize')
+ }
+ if (conf.accept) {
+ acceptCode = `let isAccept = new RegExp('${conf.accept}').test(file.type)
+ if(!isAccept){
+ this.$message.error('应该选择${conf.accept}类型的文件')
+ }`
+ returnList.push('isAccept')
+ }
+ const str = `${conf.vModel}BeforeUpload(file) {
+ ${rightSizeCode}
+ ${acceptCode}
+ return ${returnList.join('&&')}
+ },`
+ return returnList.length ? str : ''
+function buildSubmitUpload(conf) {
+ const str = `submitUpload() {
+ this.$refs['${conf.vModel}'].submit()
+ },`
+ return str
+function buildOptionMethod(methodName, model, methodList) {
+ const str = `${methodName}() {
+ // TODO 发起请求获取数据
+ this.${model}
+ },`
+ methodList.push(str)
+function buildexport(conf, type, data, rules, selectOptions, uploadVar, props, methods) {
+ const str = `${exportDefault}{
+ ${inheritAttrs[type]}
+ components: {},
+ props: [],
+ data () {
+ return {
+ ${conf.formModel}: {
+ ${data}
+ },
+ ${conf.formRules}: {
+ ${rules}
+ },
+ ${uploadVar}
+ ${selectOptions}
+ ${props}
+ }
+ },
+ computed: {},
+ watch: {},
+ created () {},
+ mounted () {},
+ methods: {
+ ${methods}
+ }
+ return str
diff --git a/ruoyi-ui/src/views/tool/build/CodeTypeDialog.vue b/ruoyi-ui/src/views/tool/build/CodeTypeDialog.vue
index 99f9eb2..b5c2e2e 100644
--- a/ruoyi-ui/src/views/tool/build/CodeTypeDialog.vue
+++ b/ruoyi-ui/src/views/tool/build/CodeTypeDialog.vue
@@ -1,106 +1,106 @@
- {{ item.label }}
- 取消
- 确定
+ {{ item.label }}
+ 取消
+ 确定
diff --git a/ruoyi-ui/src/views/tool/build/TreeNodeDialog.vue b/ruoyi-ui/src/views/tool/build/TreeNodeDialog.vue
index 477c010..fa7f0b2 100644
--- a/ruoyi-ui/src/views/tool/build/TreeNodeDialog.vue
+++ b/ruoyi-ui/src/views/tool/build/TreeNodeDialog.vue
@@ -1,149 +1,149 @@
- 确定
- 取消
+ 确定
+ 取消
diff --git a/ruoyi-ui/src/views/tool/build/index.vue b/ruoyi-ui/src/views/tool/build/index.vue
index e511408..d679422 100644
--- a/ruoyi-ui/src/views/tool/build/index.vue
+++ b/ruoyi-ui/src/views/tool/build/index.vue
@@ -1,783 +1,783 @@
Form Generator
- 输入型组件
- {{ element.label }}
- 选择型组件
- {{ element.label }}
- 布局型组件
- {{ element.label }}
- 导出vue文件
- 复制代码
- 清空
- 从左侧拖入或点选组件进行表单设计
Form Generator
+ 输入型组件
+ {{ element.label }}
+ 选择型组件
+ {{ element.label }}
+ 布局型组件
+ {{ element.label }}
+ 导出vue文件
+ 复制代码
+ 清空
+ 从左侧拖入或点选组件进行表单设计
From c99eb98001e22f671ce514268231edcd27fc73ef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?=E7=A8=9A=E5=B1=BF?= <>
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2022 09:10:50 +0800
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.../java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/ | 14 ++++----------
.../com/ruoyi/common/utils/ | 11 +++--------
.../ruoyi/common/utils/file/ | 14 +++++++-------
.../com/ruoyi/common/utils/file/ | 2 +-
.../com/ruoyi/common/utils/http/ | 3 ++-
.../com/ruoyi/common/utils/http/ | 10 +++++-----
.../com/ruoyi/common/utils/ip/ | 3 +--
.../java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/poi/ | 4 ++--
.../java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/sign/ | 3 ++-
.../java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/sql/ | 6 ++----
.../java/com/ruoyi/generator/util/ | 6 ++----
.../com/ruoyi/generator/util/ | 3 +--
.../system/service/impl/ | 7 ++-----
.../system/service/impl/ | 2 +-
16 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/ b/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/
index 16e7fca..cf6eaf4 100644
--- a/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/
+++ b/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/
@@ -41,8 +41,7 @@ public class DictUtils
Object cacheObj = SpringUtils.getBean(RedisCache.class).getCacheObject(getCacheKey(key));
if (StringUtils.isNotNull(cacheObj))
- List dictDatas = StringUtils.cast(cacheObj);
- return dictDatas;
+ return StringUtils.cast(cacheObj);
return null;
diff --git a/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/ b/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/
index f35aa04..50b10fe 100644
--- a/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/
+++ b/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/
@@ -18,8 +18,7 @@ public class ExceptionUtil
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw, true));
- String str = sw.toString();
- return str;
+ return sw.toString();
public static String getRootErrorMessage(Exception e)
diff --git a/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/ b/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/
index a10c8ed..d67b246 100644
--- a/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/
+++ b/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/
@@ -99,9 +99,8 @@ public class ServletUtils
* @param response 渲染对象
* @param string 待渲染的字符串
- * @return null
- public static String renderString(HttpServletResponse response, String string)
+ public static void renderString(HttpServletResponse response, String string)
@@ -114,7 +113,6 @@ public class ServletUtils
- return null;
@@ -125,13 +123,13 @@ public class ServletUtils
public static boolean isAjaxRequest(HttpServletRequest request)
String accept = request.getHeader("accept");
- if (accept != null && accept.indexOf("application/json") != -1)
+ if (accept != null && accept.contains("application/json"))
return true;
String xRequestedWith = request.getHeader("X-Requested-With");
- if (xRequestedWith != null && xRequestedWith.indexOf("XMLHttpRequest") != -1)
+ if (xRequestedWith != null && xRequestedWith.contains("XMLHttpRequest"))
return true;
@@ -143,10 +141,6 @@ public class ServletUtils
String ajax = request.getParameter("__ajax");
- if (StringUtils.inStringIgnoreCase(ajax, "json", "xml"))
- {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
+ return StringUtils.inStringIgnoreCase(ajax, "json", "xml");
diff --git a/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/ b/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/
index 0417181..45b80bb 100644
--- a/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/
+++ b/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/
@@ -208,7 +208,6 @@ public class VerifyCodeUtils
int period = random.nextInt(40) + 10; // 50;
- boolean borderGap = true;
int frames = 20;
int phase = 7;
for (int i = 0; i < w1; i++)
@@ -216,13 +215,9 @@ public class VerifyCodeUtils
double d = (double) (period >> 1)
* Math.sin((double) i / (double) period + (6.2831853071795862D * (double) phase) / (double) frames);
g.copyArea(i, 0, 1, h1, 0, (int) d);
- if (borderGap)
- {
- g.setColor(color);
- g.drawLine(i, (int) d, i, 0);
- g.drawLine(i, (int) d + h1, i, h1);
- }
+ g.setColor(color);
+ g.drawLine(i, (int) d, i, 0);
+ g.drawLine(i, (int) d + h1, i, h1);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/file/ b/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/file/
index 76b647a..b905112 100644
--- a/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/file/
+++ b/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/file/
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ package com.ruoyi.common.utils.file;
+import java.util.Objects;
import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;
import com.ruoyi.common.config.RuoYiConfig;
@@ -100,7 +102,7 @@ public class FileUploadUtils
throws FileSizeLimitExceededException, IOException, FileNameLengthLimitExceededException,
- int fileNamelength = file.getOriginalFilename().length();
+ int fileNamelength = Objects.requireNonNull(file.getOriginalFilename()).length();
if (fileNamelength > FileUploadUtils.DEFAULT_FILE_NAME_LENGTH)
throw new FileNameLengthLimitExceededException(FileUploadUtils.DEFAULT_FILE_NAME_LENGTH);
@@ -112,8 +114,7 @@ public class FileUploadUtils
File desc = getAbsoluteFile(baseDir, fileName);
- String pathFileName = getPathFileName(baseDir, fileName);
- return pathFileName;
+ return getPathFileName(baseDir, fileName);
@@ -145,8 +146,7 @@ public class FileUploadUtils
int dirLastIndex = RuoYiConfig.getProfile().length() + 1;
String currentDir = StringUtils.substring(uploadDir, dirLastIndex);
- String pathFileName = Constants.RESOURCE_PREFIX + "/" + currentDir + "/" + fileName;
- return pathFileName;
+ return Constants.RESOURCE_PREFIX + "/" + currentDir + "/" + fileName;
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ public class FileUploadUtils
throws FileSizeLimitExceededException, InvalidExtensionException
long size = file.getSize();
- if (DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE != -1 && size > DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE)
+ if (size > DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE)
throw new FileSizeLimitExceededException(DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE / 1024 / 1024);
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ public class FileUploadUtils
String extension = FilenameUtils.getExtension(file.getOriginalFilename());
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(extension))
- extension = MimeTypeUtils.getExtension(file.getContentType());
+ extension = MimeTypeUtils.getExtension(Objects.requireNonNull(file.getContentType()));
return extension;
diff --git a/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/file/ b/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/file/
index 3dfc9bb..485cdd2 100644
--- a/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/file/
+++ b/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/file/
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ public class ImageUtils
* 读取文件为字节数据
- * @param key 地址
+ * @param url 地址
* @return 字节数据
public static byte[] readFile(String url)
diff --git a/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/http/ b/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/http/
index e34fa5a..14a0be5 100644
--- a/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/http/
+++ b/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/http/
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
+import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ public class HttpHelper
BufferedReader reader = null;
try (InputStream inputStream = request.getInputStream())
- reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream, Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
+ reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
String line = "";
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null)
diff --git a/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/http/ b/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/http/
index f57baf0..f82bef6 100644
--- a/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/http/
+++ b/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/http/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import;
+import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
@@ -130,9 +131,8 @@ public class HttpUtils
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
- String urlNameString = url;
-"sendPost - {}", urlNameString);
- URL realUrl = new URL(urlNameString);
+"sendPost - {}", url);
+ URL realUrl = new URL(url);
URLConnection conn = realUrl.openConnection();
conn.setRequestProperty("accept", "*/*");
conn.setRequestProperty("connection", "Keep-Alive");
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ public class HttpUtils
out = new PrintWriter(conn.getOutputStream());
- in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream(), "utf-8"));
+ in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
String line;
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null)
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ public class HttpUtils
if (ret != null && !"".equals(ret.trim()))
- result.append(new String(ret.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"), "utf-8"));
+ result.append(new String(ret.getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
}"recv - {}", result);
diff --git a/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/ip/ b/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/ip/
index 11faa32..8b18da9 100644
--- a/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/ip/
+++ b/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/ip/
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ public class AddressUtils
public static String getRealAddressByIP(String ip)
- String address = UNKNOWN;
// 内网不查询
if (IpUtils.internalIp(ip))
@@ -51,6 +50,6 @@ public class AddressUtils
log.error("获取地理位置异常 {}", ip);
- return address;
+ return UNKNOWN;
diff --git a/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/poi/ b/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/poi/
index 22b6b57..aa77e9b 100644
--- a/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/poi/
+++ b/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/poi/
@@ -1122,7 +1122,7 @@ public class ExcelUtil
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(excel.targetAttr()))
String target = excel.targetAttr();
- if (target.indexOf(".") > -1)
+ if (target.contains("."))
String[] targets = target.split("[.]");
for (String name : targets)
@@ -1217,7 +1217,7 @@ public class ExcelUtil
for (Object[] os : this.fields)
Excel excel = (Excel) os[1];
- maxHeight = maxHeight > excel.height() ? maxHeight : excel.height();
+ maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, excel.height());
return (short) (maxHeight * 20);
diff --git a/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/sign/ b/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/sign/
index df1e23f..8fb0fc5 100644
--- a/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/sign/
+++ b/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/sign/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package com.ruoyi.common.utils.sign;
+import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
@@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ public class Md5Utils
- return new String(toHex(md5(s)).getBytes("UTF-8"), "UTF-8");
+ return new String(toHex(md5(s)).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
catch (Exception e)
diff --git a/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/sql/ b/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/sql/
index 71a7ae1..03832f9 100644
--- a/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/sql/
+++ b/ruoyi-common/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/common/utils/sql/
@@ -50,10 +50,8 @@ public class SqlUtil
String[] sqlKeywords = StringUtils.split(SQL_REGEX, "\\|");
- for (int i = 0; i < sqlKeywords.length; i++)
- {
- if (StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(value, sqlKeywords[i]) > -1)
- {
+ for (String sqlKeyword : sqlKeywords) {
+ if (StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(value, sqlKeyword) > -1) {
throw new UtilException("参数存在SQL注入风险");
diff --git a/ruoyi-generator/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/generator/util/ b/ruoyi-generator/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/generator/util/
index e66a514..c3ccdae 100644
--- a/ruoyi-generator/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/generator/util/
+++ b/ruoyi-generator/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/generator/util/
@@ -151,8 +151,7 @@ public class GenUtils
int lastIndex = packageName.lastIndexOf(".");
int nameLength = packageName.length();
- String moduleName = StringUtils.substring(packageName, lastIndex + 1, nameLength);
- return moduleName;
+ return StringUtils.substring(packageName, lastIndex + 1, nameLength);
@@ -165,8 +164,7 @@ public class GenUtils
int lastIndex = tableName.lastIndexOf("_");
int nameLength = tableName.length();
- String businessName = StringUtils.substring(tableName, lastIndex + 1, nameLength);
- return businessName;
+ return StringUtils.substring(tableName, lastIndex + 1, nameLength);
diff --git a/ruoyi-generator/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/generator/util/ b/ruoyi-generator/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/generator/util/
index 2ae6802..6bce127 100644
--- a/ruoyi-generator/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/generator/util/
+++ b/ruoyi-generator/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/generator/util/
@@ -228,8 +228,7 @@ public class VelocityUtils
public static String getPackagePrefix(String packageName)
int lastIndex = packageName.lastIndexOf(".");
- String basePackage = StringUtils.substring(packageName, 0, lastIndex);
- return basePackage;
+ return StringUtils.substring(packageName, 0, lastIndex);
diff --git a/ruoyi-system/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/system/service/impl/ b/ruoyi-system/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/system/service/impl/
index 02288c5..70e794a 100644
--- a/ruoyi-system/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/system/service/impl/
+++ b/ruoyi-system/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/system/service/impl/
@@ -63,12 +63,9 @@ public class SysDeptServiceImpl implements ISysDeptService
- for (Iterator iterator = depts.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
- {
- SysDept dept = (SysDept);
+ for (SysDept dept : depts) {
// 如果是顶级节点, 遍历该父节点的所有子节点
- if (!tempList.contains(dept.getParentId()))
- {
+ if (!tempList.contains(dept.getParentId())) {
recursionFn(depts, dept);
diff --git a/ruoyi-system/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/system/service/impl/ b/ruoyi-system/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/system/service/impl/
index d113cfe..ece0159 100644
--- a/ruoyi-system/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/system/service/impl/
+++ b/ruoyi-system/src/main/java/com/ruoyi/system/service/impl/
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ public class SysMenuServiceImpl implements ISysMenuService
private boolean hasChild(List list, SysMenu t)
- return getChildList(list, t).size() > 0 ? true : false;
+ return getChildList(list, t).size() > 0;